0. Introduction - Concept and Status


The following is the final version of the scoping document for the MidCoast Community Council (MCC) Planning and Zoning committee (P&Z) for submission to EIP Associates and San Mateo County for their use in the preparation of the Mirada Surf Environmental Impact Report (EIR). This document is organized by headings based on similar documents, subject headings from the EIP Associates EIR proposal, County Request For Proposal (RFP) and California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) guidelines. This is not intended to be a advocacy document for or against the project, but a case of collected community concerns that need to be addressed in the proposed Mirada Surf Project EIR. While not all the headings within this document are expected to have identical equivalent sections in the EIR, it is expected that the issues presented here will be addressed fully in the appropriate sections and that the location of these concerns will be noted.

The defining of the scope of work for an EIR is critical for the production of a complete and comprehensive document. The proposed Mirada Surf Project has the potential for far-reaching impacts, not only throughout the MidCoast but possibly throughout the state. The combination of LCP Amendment, General Plan Amendment, rezoning of very-low density lands to residential, increase in buildout and the resultant impacts, and the potential shift of the Open Space and Recreational Components of the community plan make this a project that will take very deliberate, serious consideration and research. This document will attempt to express the range of community concern of the issues that need to be addressed in the EIR for this project.

A lead agency that fails to analyze the environmental consequences of a proposed project raised during the scoping process has failed to comply with CEQA. [Sierra Club v. State Board of Forestry, supra, 7 Cal.4th at 1230-1231, 1236-1237.]

Over-riding issues of potential/possible alternatives and land-use/planning precedents, consequences and mitigations need to be considered for each section. Mitigations listed do not necessarily negate impact. To that end, each section contains a summary of these concerns where necessary.

This document has been prepared by the Mirada Surf Project Subcommittee of the Midcoast Community Council Planning & Zoning Committee. Please direct all questions or correspondence to:

Chuck Kozak - Mirada Surf Subcommittee
(650) 728-8239
[email protected]


Laura Stein - MCC P&Z Chair
(650) 712- 0225
laura.mclaughlin@ worldnet.att.net

c/o MidCoast Community Council
PO Box 64
Moss Beach, CA 94038

