Task 1: Define Study Parameters/Assumptions
(a) Define extent of services to be analyzed and identify target service levels to use as basis for study. Define extent to which study will use existing Half Moon Bay standards versus existing standards in the unincorporated area.
(b) Identify extent to which study will evaluate methods for closing any identified revenue/expense gap.
(c) Define capital expenditures to be addressed.
(d) Prepare memorandum presenting recommended study parameters and assumptions.
(e) Distribute parameters and assumptions, and receive comments.
Task 2: Collect Data
(a) Identify all fiscal and land use data needed to complete the study.
(b) Identify sources of information.
(c) Collect data from appropriate agencies (County departments, State Board of Equalization, City of Half Moon Bay, Special Districts).
(d) Prepare appendix listing data sources.
Task 3: Conduct Fiscal Analysis
(a) Review and analyze fiscal data obtained in Task 2.
(b) Prepare draft fiscal analysis presenting fiscal data in table format for each scenario.
(c) Distribute and present draft fiscal analysis.
(d) Hold comment period.
Task 4: Conduct Land Use Analysis
(a) Identify land uses that might potentially generate revenues to offset fiscal deficits.
(b) Present estimated costs and revenues for each land use in table format, and rank land uses in terms of their revenue generating potential.
(c) Provide maps identifying opportunities for locating revenue generating land uses.
Task 5: Identify and Evaluate Alternative Methods of Closing Revenue/Expense Gap
(a) Identify alternative methods of closing the revenue/expense gap, possibly including alternative service provision arrangements, and revenues sources such as assessments, fees and taxes.
(b) Evaluate net fiscal impacts of each method.
Task 6: Prepare and Circulate Draft Report
(a) Prepare draft report.
(b) Distribute and present draft report.
(c) Hold comment period.
Task 7: Prepare Final Report
(a) Review comments from affected agencies.
(b) Respond to affected agency comments and revise report.
(c) Distribute Final Report.