Mirada Surf EIR Scoping Document

and Response to Mirada Surf EIR Notice Of Preparation

MCC P&Z Committee

Final 5/14/98


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0. Introduction - Concept and Status

1. Project Description

2. Alternatives

3. Zoning and Land Use Impacts

3.1 Land Use and Zoning History
3.2 Density
3.3 Prescriptive Easements
3.4 Cumulative Impacts
3.5 Precedents and Consequences
3.6 Mitigations

4. Impacts on Geology & Soils. Seismicity, Topographical Impacts

5. Fiscal Impacts

6. Impacts on Public Services and Utilities

6.1 Sewer/Wastewater treatment
6.2 Roads
6.3 Water Supply
6.4 Solid Waste
6.5 Police and Fire Protection/Safety
6.6 Schools

7. Traffic / Circulation System Impacts

8. Water - Hydrological Impacts and Water Quality

9. Air Quality and Atmospheric Impacts

9.1 Areas of Concern
9.2. Airborne Pollutants and Contaminants
9.3. Light Pollution
9.4. Areas of Assessment
9.5. Precedents and Consequences
9.6. Mitigation

10. Impacts on Visual/Aesthetic and Architectural Conditions

11. Impacts on Biology - Vegetation and Wildlife

11.1. Biological Assessment East Parcel
11.2. Biological Assessment West Parcel

12. Noise Impacts

13. Short-term Construction Impacts

14. Archaeological, Historical, and Cultural Sites

14.1 VanderWerf Resources Assessment

14.1.1. East Parcel
14.1.2. West Parcel

14.2 Clark Resources Assessment

14.2.1. Potential for Prehistoric Archaeological Resources
14.2.2. Potential for Historic Resources
14.2.3. Effect of the Proposed Subdivision on the Historic Community Plan for El Granada.

15. Health

15.1. Need for Health Analysis
15.2. Medical Survey
15.3 Medical Experts
15.4. Asbestos
15.5 Impact on Emergency Medical Response
15.6 Precedents and Consequences
15.7 Mitigation

16. Summary of Suggested Mitigation Measures

Note: Appendices will come online as they are scanned in.

Appendix A: Maps and Figures

Appendix B: Response to Initial Study

Appendix C: Excerpts from San Mateo County - C/CAG Countywide Transportation Plan:

Jobs/Housing Imbalance and Congestion Management Program

Appendix D: Draft Fiscal Analysis - MidCoast Incorporation/Annexation Study


html version by Chuck Kozak for MCC P&Z - Last updated 5/18/98

Comments, complaints and compliments: [email protected]

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