Dennis R. Preger
Candidate for San Mateo County Community College District - Four Year Term
Age: 47
Occupation: Business Owner
Education and Qualifications:
Bachelor of Science, Business Administration, University of Arizona (Dean's List).
Major: Marketing. Minor: Government.
- County resident since 1970.
- Married, two daughters in college.
- Former branch manager and divisional executive, Bank of America.
- Former marketing executive for financial services division, Digital
Equipment Corporation.
- Current business owner.
- Extensive experience in negotiations, team building and management
San Mateo County community colleges have attained national recognition
for their effectiveness. Principal reasons for this have been close communication
with major employers, and a consistent dialogue among the Board,
the Administration and the community. The Community Colleges must continue
to serve the broad range of County residents, and not become beholden
to narrow special interests.
If elected, I pledge to use my business experience in furthering these specific
- Insist on careful fiscal, administrative and maintenance practices.
- Seek innovative ways of recruiting and rewarding the finest instructors.
- Further enhance liaison with private sector employers.
- On my own time, meet regularly with representatives of commerce and
industry to better define emerging employment needs.
- Encourage informed suggestions from all County residents.
If you share these views, I would appreciate your vote on November 7th.
/s/ Dennis R. Preger
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