Paul Perkovic

Candidate for Midcoast Community Council - Two Year Term

Candidate for Montara Sanitary District - Two Year Term

Age: 46

Occupation: Database Systems Specialist

Education and Qualifications: The natural beauty and peaceful, rural quality of life along the mid-coast attracted us to Montara four years ago. The San Mateo County Board of Supervisors has set dangerous precedents threatening that quality of life: allowing building at increased densities and on sub-standard lots; subverting the electorate by exempting corporations from zoning changes; and repudiating the public's right to be informed.

We must strengthen the influence of the Midcoast Community Council or develop other effective means to control priorities and planning at the local level. We must ensure that appropriate development occurs in harmony with the Coastal Act and our Local Coastal Program. Planning, zoning, water, sewer, schools, parks, fire protection, and traffic issues are all interrelated and must be considered together to maintain and improve our existing quality of life.

My academic background in computer science and my career in database management systems provide me with the analytical skills necessary to study and evaluate alternatives for our community. My partner of 18 years and I plan to retire here in our present home. I look forward to the opportunity to give my best efforts to protect and preserve the coastside that we all love.

/s/ Paul Perkovic

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