Age: 38
Occupation: Administrative Law Judge
Education and Qualifications: BA - Stanford University; JD - Santa Clara University School of Law.
I will bring to the Board extensive knowledge of the workings of governmental regulatory agencies to help expedite the resolution of any problems or concerns. Before becoming an administrative law judge, as an attorney I represented water districts and companies, and have a thorough knowledge of the current issues facing us all. The residents and businesses in the district need to know about potential changes in rules, regulations, ordinances or rates before they are adopted. In addition to listening to your concerns prior to making key votes, I intend to contact residents and businesses in the district to obtain your input. Before voting on any item affecting you, I will be thoroughly prepared and knowledgeable. My election to the Board will enable me to give back to the community I so love my time and efforts.
We need representatives who are open minded, fair, and even handed with residents and businesses appearing before the Board. Conscientious, hardworking and unbiased public servants are crucial to ensure our vital water resources are clean, safe, reasonably priced, and fairly distributed. I am such a person.