This Web Page,, was last updated October 10, 1997, and is provided as a community service by Montara Mountain Free Press. Any candidate may submit information to be included. Information is taken from public materials and candidate submissions, and we anticipate updates as candidates send us additional material.
We would appreciate any comments or corrections you may have on these materials. Address your comments to [email protected], Montara Mountain Free Press. Please report any errors.
Press citations are listed with the most recent article first, and include most references found through Alta Vista and individual newspaper search services.
This page contains information about the following election, which affects the coastal communities of El Granada, Miramar, Montara, Moss Beach, Pescadero, and San Gregorio, and the cities of Half Moon Bay and Pacifica (as well as all of San Mateo County):
The Half Moon Bay Review and Pescadero Pebble covers many local election issues.
Other articles are referenced from the San Mateo County Times, the Pacifica Tribune, the San Jose Mercury News, and the San Francisco Chronicle and Examiner.
Items marked
have had additions or changes in the material related to that race since
March 23, 1997.
See the disclaimer for more details. Candidates are listed in the order they appear on the ballot. Endorsements are taken from candidate's advertisements or promotional material or from news coverage, but do not necessarily include all endorsements a candidate has received.
We would appreciate any comments you may have on these electronic election materials. Address your comments to [email protected], Montara Mountain Free Press. Please report any errors.
Candidates' names, occupations, and Sample Ballot statements are taken from the official San Mateo County Election Office listings and Sample Ballot materials. Additional candidate statements are provided by the individual candidate and have not been edited for content by the Montara Mountain Free Press.
This service is not provided by any government agency. Official San Mateo County, Half Moon Bay, and Pacifica government information may be found at their own Web sites.
Each candidate may submit a correctly formatted HTML statement with any supporting materials (.GIF images, auxiliary documents, links to other Web pages) by sending the complete package to the Editor, Montara Mountain Free Press. Please report any errors.