This Web Page,, was last updated October 29, 1995, and is provided as a community service by Montara Mountain Free Press. Any candidate may submit information to be included. Information included is taken from public materials and candidate submissions, and we anticipate frequent updates as candidates send us additional material. This page was started October 8, 1995, and is still under construction.

Mid-Coast Elections - November 7, 1995

This page contains information about the following elections, which affect the communities of El Granada, Miramar, Montara, and Moss Beach, and the cities of Half Moon Bay and Pacifica:

Table of Contents

MCTV - Cable Channel 6 - Candidate Forum Broadcasts

Wednesday, November 1

12 Noon - Half Moon Bay City Council Candidates Forum and Forum on Measure I, North Wavecrest Redevelopment (held October 23, 1995) 7 pm - Special District Candidates Forum (held October 11, 1995)

Date to be Announced

TBA - Midcoast Community Council Candidates Forum (held October 25, 1995)

The Half Moon Bay Review and Pescadero Pebble covers many local election issues. Other articles are referenced from the San Mateo Times.

Items marked in the Table of Contents have had additions or changes in the material related to that race. Items marked under individual races or issues have been added or modified since October 22, 1995. Full texts and arguments for Measures A and B are now available; in particular, the current County Charter with in-line mark-up showing portions that would be deleted or inserted by Measure A, and highlighting sections that would be repealed or amended by Measure B, will assist county voters in understanding the scope of changes that these measures entail.

Exhibit A for Measure H still is not on-line. Background pages on each Council or District are also planned, to show the responsibilities, area served, and current membership; these are not yet available. See the disclaimer for more details. Candidates are listed in the order they appear on the ballot. Endorsements are taken from candidate's advertisements or promotional material or from news coverage, but do not necessarily include all endorsements a candidate has received.

We would appreciate any comments you may have on these electronic election materials. Address your comments to [email protected], Montara Mountain Free Press. Please report any errors.

Candidates' names, occupations, and Sample Ballot statements are taken from the official San Mateo County Election Office listings and Sample Ballot materials. Additional candidate statements are provided by the individual candidate and have not been edited for content by the Montara Mountain Free Press.

This service is not provided by any government agency. Official San Mateo County, Half Moon Bay, and Pacifica government information may be found at their own Web sites.

Each candidate may submit a correctly formatted HTML statement with any supporting materials (.GIF images, auxiliary documents, links to other Web pages) by sending the complete package to the Editor, Montara Mountain Free Press. Please report any errors.

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